
E-teaching and e-learning
E-learning – what, why and how. Learning online, locally or internationally. What do you need to know? How do you do it? How do you build a good online learning environment? Schools, teachers and students must adapt to new circumstances. Here is what you must be aware of and how to do it.  – A joint book project between University of Agder and Makerere university
 Greener Future
Interactive e-book with animations, videos, easy read articles, updated links libraries to authoritative sources, online quizzes, games and hundreds of graphics and photos on the Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change; the Science, Scenarios,  Possible Impacts; the Road to Sustainability, a Green economy and the rapidly developing green technology.

Planting and caring for mangroves
Basic online course and e-book on restauration of mangrove ecosystems and knowledge of natural solutions to fight global warming and climate change..

Sustainability for Uganda
Interactive e-book adapted for Uganda, with animations, videos, easy read articles, updated links libraries to authoritative sources, online quizzes, games and hundreds of graphics and photos on the Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change; the Science, Scenarios,  Possible Impacts; the Road to Sustainability, a Green economy and the rapidly developing green technology
Welcome to an introductory course in the Greenhouse effect and Climate Change: Science, Scenarios and Possible Impacts. E-book with animations, videos, easy read articles, updated links libraries to authoritative sources, online quizzes, games and hundreds of graphics and photos on the Greenhouse Effect and Climate Change
Write academic essays – avoid plagiarism
The art of writing good essays is a skill in high demand in academia. Students are often required to write essays as part of their studies, while researchers and university teaching staff like to publish essays in academic journals.
In this ‘crash-course’ you will learn tricks of the trade in essay-writing and access plenty of links to more detailed and extensive online courses in how to become a good writer.
Together we can. Team- and online collaborative work.
Working in groups and meetings can be very useful and rewarding – or a complete disaster. Cooperation must be learned, like most other things. This e-book is a handbook on what,why, do’s and dont’s in group work.
The art of speaking to an audience
Giving a speech or a lecture? Here is an easyread handbook for beginners.
When you have the ability to persuade people by your oratorical skills, you gain influence.
Study strategies and study techniques
Are you interested in learning how to learn? Here are some good guidelines to guide you in your studies: How to set goals, how to make plans and how to get information out of the lectures. In addition you will get good advice on reading techniques, learning styles, how to improve your memory and how to become a more efficient learner.
Studiestrategi og studieteknikk
Vil du bli en bedre student? Her er et studiestrategikurs for deg.
The art of writing good essays is a skill in high demand in academia. Students are often required to write essays as part of their studies, while researchers and university teaching staff like to publish essays in academic journals.
In this ‘crash-course’ you will learn tricks of the trade in essay-writing and access plenty of links to more detailed and extensive online courses in how to become a good writer.  Content:
  • How to get started
  • Examine and understand assignments
  • Procedure for your writing
  • Strategies for organising your ideas
  • Draft – edit – present
  • the natural phenomenon of the Greenhouse effect, what causes it;
  • what may alter it and how it might vary over time;
  • main basic concepts in physics, chemistry and ecology relevant to climate change;
  • main meteorological phenomena relevant to the greenhouse effect,
  • emissions and impact from human activities;
  • the UN position and points of view from other interest groups;
  • relevant conventions
  • mitigation and adaptation measures and possible transition to a sustainable future

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  • Skal du holde et foredrag til studenter eller holde en tale til festen på fredag?
  • Hva skal til for å holde et godt og interessant foredrag eller en fengende tale?
  • Både studenter og faglig ansatte ved universitetet kan streve litt med dette.
  • I dette selvinstruerende kurset-i-et-nøtteskall for du mange gode råd.

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